Nuestras Publicaciones

Qué Hacemos

2013 – 2010

Thomson, I. 2013
Key Issues for Socially Responsible Mine Closure: A Comparative Analysis of Corporate Policies and Practices. In: Tibbett, M., Fourie, A.B. and Digby, C. (Eds), Mine Closure 2013; Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Mine Closure, pp463-472, Australian Center for Geomechanics, Western Australia

Rios, J.M. and Thomson, I. 2013,
Contributing to Community Sustainability During Mineral Exploration: Lessons Learned in Mesoamerica. Proceedings World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada; accepted for publication/in press.

Hohn, M., Thomson, I. and Dalence, P. 2013,
Gender Modernity in Mining: A Case History from Bolivia. In: Wiertz, J. (Ed), SRMining- 2nd International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining, pp259-266, Gecamin, Santiago, Chile Thomson, I. 2012, Construction: The Last Frontier for Responsible Mining. Proceedings, CIM Convention, Edmonton, May 2012

Boutilier, R., Black, L., & Thomson, I. 2012.
From Metaphor to Management Tool – How the Social Licence to Operate can Stabilize the Socio-Political Environment for Business. Proceedings, International Mine Management Conference, Brisbane

Thomson, I., Boutilier, R. 2011,
Modeling and Measuring The Social License To Operate: Fruits Of A Dialogue Between Theory And Practice. Proceedings International Mine Management Conference, Brisbane

Thomson, I. and Boutilier, R. 2011.
The Social License to Operate. In Darling, P.; SME Mining Engineerng Handbook, Ch. 17.2, pp 1779-1796, Society of Mining Metallurgy and Exploration, Littleton, Colorado.

Thomson, I. 2010.
Water Security for Mines and Communities: Opportunity or Oxymoron. Mining, Environment and Communities, March, 2010

Older Publications

Thomson, I. 2009,
Indigenous Peoples and the Extractive Industries in Peru: What comes after Bagua? Dialogue, no 42, September, 2009, pp 8-11. Lima, Peru

Thomson, I, and Joyce, S.A., 2008,
The Social License to Operate: What it is and why it seems so hard to obtain. Proceedings, PDAC Convention, Toronto, Canada

On Common Ground/PDAC, 2007
From Theory to Practice: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Mineral Exploration. Outcomes of a workshop sponsored by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Toronto, Canada.